Gerontology Wiki

Yoshino Tanaka was born on 3 March 1900 in Okinawa and died on July 30, 2013 in Nagasaki at age 113 years 149


days.She was the 2nd oldest living person in Japan at her death behind the 115 years old Misao Okawa.She was the joint 9th oldest living person with Maria Gravigi De Candia and both of them are the longest lived people to born on the same date.She is the 154th oldest person ever and the 25th oldest ever from Japan.

Longevity Milestones

  • March 25, 2013:Yoshino Tanaka along with Maria Gravigi De Candia become the joint 200th oldest person ever.
  • March 31, 2013:Yoshino Tanaka and Maria Gravigi De Candia surpass Yoshino Ide to become one of the 195 oldest people ever.
  • April 14, 2013:Yoshino Tanaka and Maria Gravigi De Candia become the longest lived people to born on the same date ever.
  • July 30, 2013:Yoshino Tanaka becomes the 25th oldest Japanese person ever and also dies as the joint 153th oldest person ever at age 113 years 149 days,however she was surpassed by Maria Gravigi De Candia as the 153th oldest person ever on August 1, 2013.