Gerontology Wiki


After a year of continuing contributions, I've earned the WIKI HERO BADGE, which is the only Platinum level badge available. It was a difficult journey at times, including one time when I almost missed making a daily edit due to my stay on a scientific conference in Paris. It comes to my mind that I'm the second person to have earned the Wiki Hero badge, the first one being ryoung122 in 2018. It's not what I initially planned to achieve on this wiki; it was only after I noticed to have exceeded the 200 continuing days of edits that I decided to make an approach for this very badge. My first and foremost goal however remains the same - to make the Gerontology Wiki the best and the most reliable in both quality and quantity world's online encyclopaedia on longevity and gerontology. 

By the way, due to having received the 250 points (the Platinum badge points' value) I was placed on the number 1 at the Gerontology Wiki leaderboard once more! I can remember being on this position quite a long time ago - in around 2015 or so. Nevertheless, given the massive input since then, I am proud that I made it to the top one more time. I'll share the moment for as long as it lasts, because I don't think I can remain at No. 1 for long due to the first (non-online) life's challenges that bind my time more and more and the activity team of extremely talented and devoted contributors that the Gerontology Wiki has developed over time. Congratulations guys on your hard work! Keep it up! I'm proud of what this website has become. Thank you.


White Eaglet (talk) 07:51, December 19, 2019 (UTC)
