Gerontology Wiki
Ardith Grose
Ardith Grose
Ardith Grose on her claimed 111th birthday in 2018
Birth: 22 March 1907?
Pennsylvania, USA
Death: fl.22 March 2018
Pennsylvania, USA
Age: 111 years, 0+ days?
Country: United StatesUSA

Ardith Grose (22 March 1907? – fl.22 March 2018) was an American supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Ardith Grose claimed to have been born in Pennsylvania, USA, on 22 March 1907. She was the second of 11 children born to Howard and Lena (Myers) Grose. She never married nor had children, and was still living with her mother in 1940. By 2002, she was living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

By her claimed 106th birthday in 2013, she was living in a nursing home in Norristown, Pennsylvania, where she is described as happy-go-lucky and caring, and enjoys Music, Comedy, and People.

Ardith Grose was last confirmed alive on her 111th birthday on 22 March 2018 when she lived in Norristown, Pennsylvania. According to a profile on, she died shortly after, in April 2018.


