Gerontology Wiki
Francisco Núñez Olivera
Francisco Nunez Olivera

Francisco Nunez Olivera [Spanish: Francisco Núñez Olivera] (born 13 December 1904) is a Spanish supercentenarian who is, at the age of 119 years, 127 days, believed to be currently the oldest living man in Spain and Europe, and most probably the oldest man in the world since the death of Israel Kristal on 11 August 2017. He is also the second-oldest living Spanish person.

Personal Life

Francisco was born in Extremadura in Spain on 13 December 1904. He is known fondly as "Marchena", a nickname given to him when a boy mistook him for the famous Spanish singer, Pepe Marchena. When he was 19, he joined the army and went to Morocco. He has four children, nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren, all of whom were alive at the time of his 110th birthday. He also has a sister who was alive at the age of 91 on his 110th birthday.

On 13 December 2017, he celebrated his 113th birthday.


