Gerontology Wiki
Amelia Nunes dos Santos
Amelia Nunes dos Santos
Birth: 20 September 1903
Ceará, Brazil
Death: 19 December 2015
Ceará, Brazil
Age: 112 years, 90 days
Country: BrazilBRA

Amelia Nunes dos Santos (20 September 1903 – 19 December 2015) was a Brazilian supercentenarian whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


Dona Amelia was born at Sitio Oitis in Miracles, Brazil on September 20, 1903 and was 31 years old when Father Cicero died. It also reminded of the War of 14 which culminated in the ouster of the Franco Rabelo government after an armed conflict in Cariri and the capital when his father was one of the combatants of the military troops. At the time, he was in Juazeiro receiving the blessings of Padre Cicero at the age of 11, and then went on a yearly visit to the city where he had been walking from Milagres.

In the year 1926, Dona Amelia was a 23 year old girl and saw the group of Lampião circulate in the streets of Juazeiro. She was of Indian descent and learned cultural customs and traditions such as the use of medicinal herbs, religiosity and cooking. According to Father Cicero's advice, his parents' home was an oratory and a workshop when, living with the difficult times of drought, he learned to pray and work. A Catholic, she has always been a woman devoted to household chores, earning the love and respect of the family.

With Antonio Nunes, first husband, she had five children: José, Maria, Nininha, Demar and Teixeira, becoming a widow. He married a year later with his brother-in-law Jacob Nunes and had another daughter named Benisa. Amelia Nunes dos Santos died in Cariri, Ceará state on 19 December 2015 at the claimed age of 112 years and 90 days. Dona Amelia left her children, besides 33 grandchildren, 71 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren without ever losing the characteristics of a woman of faith who used to pass on good teachings to those around her.

